

After the morning service, we hold a Goma fire ritual every morning.

The Goma (Homa) Ritual of consecrated fire is unique to Vajrayana and Esoteric Buddhism. It is performed for the benefit of individuals, the state or all sentient beings in general. The consecrated fire is believed to have a powerful cleansing effect spiritually and psychologically. The fire symbolizes the wisdom of the Buddha and the wood sticks symbolize human desires (the root of suffering). the Buddha burns away the root of our suffering as we pray for our wishes to come true. Flames can sometimes reach a few meters high.

You could pray for the well-being of your family, recovery from illness, traffic safety, prosperity to the business and school success in the fire ritual.

It is free of charge to attend morning ceremony and fire ritual for those who stay at Ekoin unless you require to make a wish in the fire ritual.
We only accept the guests who stay at Ekoin to attend our morning ceremony and fire ritual, since we have many guests staying and the capacity of the hall is limited.
We would like to respect those who stay at Ekoin and ask other guests who are not staying at Ekoin to refrain from attending our morning ceremony and Goma fire ritual.
※Goma fire ritual in private is also available apart from the one from 7:30 am.

Private Goma fire ritual is available for both who stay at Ekoin and who don’t stay at Ekoin.
Please ask us the details from the inquiry.

Regarding the prayer fee
(for those who make a wish in the fire ritual).

For 1 day 3,000yen
(18cm of wooden amulet)
For 3 days 5,000yen
(24cm of wooden amulet)
For 1 week 10,000yen
(30cm of wooden amulet)
For 1 month 30,000yen
(36cm of wooden amulet)
For 1 year 200,000yen
(36cm of wooden amulet)
Private 100,000yen

You could pray for the well-being of your family, prosperity to the business, recovery from illness, traffic safety and school success in the fire ritual.
The fee for the prayer is as above, if you require to make a wish in the fire ritual.
After the ceremony, we hand you a Buddhist wooden amulet which was blessed by a priest. We can also send it to where you stay while you are in Japan.
密教の法具 三鈷杵(さんこしょ) 

Setsubun Yakuyoke Kaiun
Star Festival Prayers

節分 厄除開運 星祭祈願 北斗七星と根本大塔
To pray for the safety and happiness of the new year, we offer “Yakuyoke Kaiun Star Festival Prayers” during the Setsubun Festival in February.
We wish everyone a safe and happy year and hope to share happiness and joy with as many people as possible. We also hope you will recommend this event to your family and acquaintances and apply by the end of January.
It is, after all, the Buddha’s teaching to share joy with everyone.
After the prayers, we will present you with an “ofuda” talisman.

About Atari-Boshi

Every person is born with the spirit of the year.
At our temple, we enshrine the star that is derived from the year of birth during the Setsubun Festival in February, and pray to avoid misfortunes and disasters during bad years, and for fortunes to become even better during good years.

Please contact us for more information.


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